Keynote lecture : A Traveling Homeland poster
Maison de la culture yiddish - Bibliothèque Medem
Literary Diasporas in Ashkenaz: Modern Hebrew and Yiddish Literatures
Maison de la culture yiddish - Bibliothèque Medem
12 juin 2016
Hebrew and Yiddish literatures produced in places such as Odessa, Vilnius, Warsaw or Berlin, were, on the one hand, anchored in those literary centers and their cultural and political contexts; on the other hand, they were part of a non­territorial republic of letters and were addressed to readers scattered across the world. The diasporic “doubled cultural location” of these literatures can be attributed to their main sources of inspiration: Jewish traditional literature, written mostly in Hebrew and Aramaic, and European modern literatures. In addition, both literatures can be said to have been situated in a doubled cultural and linguistic location, both in relation to their non­Jewish surroundings and in relation to one another.
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et de la Fondation pour la Mémoire de la Shoah.